July 14 - July 30, 2008
Dolora Zajick's Program: Institute for Young Dramatic Voices
Vocal Coach
Orem, UT


May 9, 2008
Recital with Ryan Sweeney, cello
National Cello Institute: Opening Concert
Pomona College

Claremont, CA
Program: Beethoven Cello Sonata no.2, Piatigorsky "Paganini Variations", Prokofiev Cello Sonata


March 25, 2008
Solo Recital
Point Loma Nazarene University, Crill Hall
San Diego, CA
: Bach Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue, Beethoven Pathetique Sonata, Schumann Sonata no.2, Ravel's La Valse


February 26, 2008
Recital with Jeff Thayer, concertmaster of the SD Symphony
Point Loma Nazarene University, Crill Hall
San Diego, CA

Program: Tartini, Takemitsu, Ysaye, Saint-Sa ns, and Schubert Fantasy in C Major


February 23, 2008
Saturday, 7:30pm

Concert with Jeff Thayer, concertmaster of the SD Symphony
Museum of Photographic Arts in Balboa Park

San Diego, CA
Featuring John Malashock Dance Troupe